Monday, November 15, 2010

Byzantine II- Russia

Easy Blog today!! Read the following and answer this one question; How did Vladimir turn the Rus into a Christian state?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Byzantine I

I. Read the following and answer the questions below
(you do not have to read the section on crusaders)

1. Describe any differences between 'Byzantine' and Roman cultures.
2. What is Justinian most famous for?
3. What is the Santa (or Hagia) Sophia?
4. What was the Monophysite Doctrine and why was it important?
5. What new force confronted Heraclius I and what did it force the Byzantines to do?
6. Did the Muslims take Byzantium itself? (Explain)
7. Describe the Iconclastic Controversy.
8. Who was Anna Comnena?

Watch this short video. Aqueduct!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rise of Christianity

Read the following and answer the questions. (My apologies for being late with this)

1. Briefly explain the Roman religous system. (give two examples)
2. What were the advantages of Christianity?
3. Give a description of the development of Christianity from AD 63-313.
4. When was Christianity legalized? Who was responsible for this?