Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blog 6: Code Napoleon

Use the following site for the questions below: http://www.napoleon-series.org/research/government/c_code.html 1. What was the Napoleonic Code? (1st paragraph on site) 2. How many BOOKS are there in the Napoleonic Code? Name those books and the titles that go with them. (Do not write down all of the chapters!). 3. Choose one chapter in each book, write and explanation and be able to discuss in class.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog 5: The Directory

ONE QUESTION- What was the Thermidorean reaction and how was the new government set up in France after 1795? (Phase 3)


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog #4-French Revolution: Radical Phase

Look over the website and answer the following:
1. Describe the summer of 1792 in Paris.
2. Who were the Girondists? Jacobins? Sans-Culottes?
3. Describe the Reign of Terror- Include the Committee of Public Safety and Marat, Danton and Robespierre.
END the reading at the Thermidorean Reaction.

Good video featuring Viva La Vida from Cold Play. Enjoy. (Notice how Napoleon is portrayed at first and then at the end)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog#3-English Civil War

Using the following site, write a one-page summary (typed) of the English Civil War. You do not have to use all of the readings on this web site. (this assignment is 30 pts)


Friday, March 11, 2011

Absolutism Blog #2

Maria Theresa, Austria.
1. Years of Maria Theresa's reign:
2. Explain the Pragmatic Sanction.
3. What was the War of Austrian Succession?
4. Describe her life after the death of her husband.

Elizabeth I, England
1. Write one paragraph describing Elizabeth's early reign and one paragraph describing her later reign in England. (Do you think she was successful? why or why not?)-- you will have to click on the second page of the site.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Absolutism- Blog #1

Read the following about Peter the Great and answer the questions.


1. Explain the 'Time of Troubles' and how Michael Romanov became czar.
2. Describe the two upheavals during Michael's reign.
3. What did Peter like as a young boy?
4. What did Peter do on his trip to the 'West'?
5. How did Peter treat facial hair when he returned?
6. Describe the Great Northern War.