Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blog #16 N. Renaissance and Science

The Scientific Revolution-Use these two websites to help finish your identification section of your Renaissance handout. I will check these as a homework grade. http://www.boisestate.edu/courses/westciv/science/


Northern Renaissance-


1. What is the difference between art in the North and Italy?
2. Write a brief description about each of the Northern Renaissance artists for your notes. Look over the art work- we will be viewing each of these and comparing them to Italian art.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blog #15 Renaissance/Reformation

Good site on the artists of the Northern Renaissance- use for your personal notes.

Read the following on the Protestant Reformation and answer the following questions.
1. Describe three reasons why Europeans were becomming dissatisfied with the church.
2. What did the Fourth Lateran Council establish?
3. Briefly discuss some of the challenges the church faced in the 14th and 15th centuries.
4. Who was Martin Luther and what did he do in 1517?
5. Who was John Tetzel?
6. Describe John Calvin's second wave of Reformation.
The 95 Theses - look over this
Good video about Luther after the 95 Theses... Take a look.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Blog 14: Renaissance

Renaissance #1
Good You Tube video to start with art work.

These sites will help with the various personalities of the Renaissance. (look through their works) http://www.yesnet.yk.ca/schools/projects/renaissance/index.shtml

1. Describe Erasmus' early life.
2. What did he do in England under Henry VIII?
3. What were many of his writings about? (give an example of a controversy)
4. Summarize the piece from Praise of Folly.