Thursday, April 12, 2012

Blog 24: The Directory

The Directory

ONE QUESTION- What was the Thermidorean reaction and how was the new government set up in France after 1795? (Phase 3)


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blog 23: French Revolution- Radical phase

Look over the website and answer the following:

1. Describe the summer of 1792 in Paris.
2. Who were the Girondists? Jacobins? Sans-Culottes?
3. Describe the Reign of Terror- Include the Committee of Public Safety and Marat, Danton and Robespierre.END the reading at the Thermidorean Reaction.

Good video featuring Viva La Vida from Cold Play. Enjoy.
(Notice how Napoleon is portrayed at first and then at the end)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Blog 22- French Revolution, Part I

Read the following and answer the two prompts below.

1. What was the Estates General and why did King Louis XVI have to call it into session?
2. In a well-written paragraph, describe what Thomas Jefferson observed in France from July 14-16, 1789.